Our mission of Safe Nation is to help those in need during challenging life situations.

Ivan Lakshinsky
2 min readJun 3, 2020

The mission continues to move forward with an optimistic attitude — freeing the malicious COVID-19 virus from homes, and giving people a little bit of hope.

During May, the Corona Street Asia pilot project was launched in Bangladesh, under the leadership of CEO of Arona International, Omar Yaser Mallik. The project saw 100 families supported by Corona Street volunteers .

Ivan Lakshinsky (John Sky), the founder of Corona Street and Safe Nation, stated, “The world is changing towards a unified consciousness, whereby people act together despite boundaries, castes, nationalities, and religious beliefs. In the end, we all want to eat to live and have the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge.”

He further added, “We are not only helping people with food but also trying to provide hope and faith in a better future, despite various kinds of world cataclysms. We believe that the world is changing for the better, despite the apocalyptic mood of the media. People should continue to live and develop further, each nation and each one of us should develop the potential and abilityto help their nation on their own. However, to begin, our task is to give support and confidence to everyone in need. The more people who become confident in their strengths and abilities, the faster we can help all out of their difficulties, and defeat not only viruses but develop together, the well-being of our future as a united nation.”

Corona Street mission continues to develop its initiative in Georgia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Jamaica and other countries. Every day there are more and more volunteers who support the idea.

Conducting humanitarian events in Georgia will provide a symbolic gesture for reconciliation and reunification of the East and the West. We want to show the best example to all nations, not to separate from the world but to become a part of it, supporting each other. After all, we are all inhabitants of the planet “Earth” and must take care of it together as a big family sharing our home on Corona Street.”



Ivan Lakshinsky

Human nature scientist, artist, musician, philosopher, founder of Safe Nations Alliance. Life with a wide open heart